Monday, August 29, 2011

the teaser tidbit

A teaser for the upcoming film adaption of The Hunger Games was released at the VMA awards last night. OOOO I am excited! Though its barely anything, I think this tidbit is perfect.

  • I love the shot of her arrow flying into the mockingjay pin grapic.
  • I think the tiny bit of the score we heard (if it is the official score) is a little commercial and could be better, but it'll do.
  • I like that the people who have read the book can tell exactly from which scene in the book this clip is about

The official trailer, I belive, is to be released in November and so my guess, is that it will debut with the Twilight: Breaking Dawn, part 1 film.
( ekkkk. Like really? I'd rather not taint The Hunger Games with Twilight, but I guess its good for publicity...)

Anyways, I am excited beyond belief, and if you haven't yet read the thrilling, compelling, and extremely original pieces of literature, do. The Hunger Games in paperback is $ 4.94 on

Sunday, August 28, 2011


So yesterday, after a delightful morning run to the farmers market, I spent the afternoon weeding our backyard. Which, prior to the massive weeding session, looked a little bit like the jungle's cousin.We have prarie with all your usual prarie grasses, flowers and plants, which, like most grasses, flowers and plants are very tall grasses, flowers and plants. That overgrown mess, along with the trumpet vine that was invading the space of our newly planted rasberry plants, took most of our afternoon.

Despite all of the strenuous work that sometimes comes along with a garden, having one truly pays off. The prarie grows right in front of my parents' bedroom window and so when you look out, its a beautiful, up close view of the prarie. And of course, all of the tomatos, beans, flowers, raseberries and whatnot, definatly pay off.

Below is a gorgeously shot video of gardening from the blog tiger in a jar

Friday, August 26, 2011


How many of you have seen Gulp, the largest outdoor stop motion animation ever?
Well, its pretty amazing how much work went into each frame and that it was filmed entirely on a Nokia N8.
Here's the finishing product, and then and must-see video on how the amazing video was made.

Gulp. The world's largest stop-motion animation shot on a Nokia N8. from Nokia HD on Vimeo.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Hilarious photos put out by GQ in their August 2011 issue. Its Ken Jeong from The Hangover adding all the laughs. Enjoy!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Where I've Been

HELLO there!
So I've been gone for the past two weeks, in well, I think you can guess the city by the picture below...

Yes, the ridiculous New York City.
I was on a mission trip with my youth group and we were working with Project Hospitality on Staten Island, helping in the food pantry, serving meals, unloading deliveries of food, and any other odds and ends. Oh, and we worked a sweet food drive at a local grocery store. It was a fabulous experience and trip, talking to the homeless people that frequent the pantry, listening to their stories and conversing with them. I learned so much from them. And the nights and day we took to visit Manhatten was wonderful. We took a tour of Ground Zero (a really emotional tour that I highly reccomend), went to the Rockerfeller Center and took a tour of NBC studios (we saw the set of Saturday Night Live!), went to Centeral Park & got ripped off on hot dogs ;D, went to the observation deck up high in the sky at the Empire State Building at night, and of course saw the one and only, Times Square at night. Oooo, I am definatly heading back the the city.

So these shots are all taken by Evan Joseph, who worked closely with a pilot to get the phenomonal ariel shots that show off New York City's glory from the sky.